Abu Garcia Beast Foldable Landing Net 80x70cm
Abu Garcia
899 kr
Abu Garcia Spike X Spinning
1999 kr(2099 kr)
Berkley Pulse Realistic Goby 12cm (Bulk)
35 kr
A fish catcher in all situations!
Berkley Pulse Realistic Goby Prerigged 4psc
129 kr
Berkley Sick Smash 17cm
89 kr
Berkley Sick Smash 23cm
149 kr
Berkley Steel Pike Leaders - 80kg 40cm - 2pcs
49 kr
Nays SPLT 35 (8,9cm 9-pack)
99 kr
Nays SPLT 45 (11,4cm 7-pack)
Plano EDGE Flex 3600 Box
499 kr
It's the world's most advanced tackle system – multiplied. Introducing the new Plano EDGE™...
Plano EDGE Flex 3700 Box
469 kr
Savage Gear Fat Minnow T-Tail 9cm, 7g (5-pack)
Savage Gear
Savage Gear Tungsten Ball Jighead 4/0
69 kr