Gunki Shigeki C 195M Baitcasting



Very good and sensitive high-end baitcasting rod from Gunki, perfect for perch fishing.

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Was ist das?

There are rods and there are rods, and the Gunki Shigeki C 195M is definitely the later. With it's 7-21 grams casting weight it's a perfect rod for perch fishing and it handles everything from Texas and Carolina rigs to jig fishing to poppers and spinnerbaits - you name it - this is a perfect allround tool for the serious perch angler. It has a lot of nerve in the tip which helps you feel any nibble on your lure and you can cast your lures a long way. Fast action and a lot of backbone helps you making really fast and hard hook settings.

The weight of the rod is only 141 grams which makes for great feeling and a lot of fun when using it. 195 centimeters (6'5"), casting weight 7-21 grams. Ideal rod for perch fishing that we use together with a Quantum EXO 101 Baitcasting reel.

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