M-WAR Monkey Perch jigs - Forest Gold

  • Monkey Craw 8-pack - Forest Gold (Preis: €6,12)
  • Monkey Fry 16-pack - Forest Gold (Preis: €6,12)
  • Monkey Rib 10-pack - Forest Gold (Preis: €7,89)
  • Monkey Shad 12-pack - Forest Gold (Preis: €7,01)


Bundle with our 4 models of perch jigs!

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Includes; 1 pack of each: Monkey Craw 8-pack, Monkey Fry 16-pack, Monkey Rib 10-pack, Monkey Shad 12-pack, all in the color Forest Gold.

Monkey Craw, Comes in 8 pack. 7 gr, 9,5 cm.

If you don’t have any crawfish jigs in your box, you’re missing out on a lot of action - perch and zander LOVE crawfish for breakfast!

Small baitfish is probably the most common food for perch and other predatory fish in most waters, but in some waters and in some situations a crawfish imitation can COMPLETELY outfish any other lure. Crawfish are great food for big perch and zander and often many of them are on a strict crawfish diet...

Fish this one bouncing on the bottom on drop-offs and around shallow points and make sure to be ready to set the hook. The claws create a lot of vibrations and movement in the water and perfectly imitates a crawfish in fight or flight mode...

Rig it on a regular jig head (size 4/0 or 5/0 is perfect) or on a Texas/Carolina Rig. A good tip if you want a slightly smaller presentation is to simply cut off a few centimetres of the crawfish. Click here to watch the Monkey Craw in action!

Monkey Fry, Comes in 16 pack. 2,5 gr, 7 cm.

The Monkey Fry is a small 7 cm finesse softbait that will catch fish when nothing else does. The tiny size and subtle movement makes it perfect for waters with heavy fishing pressure and when conditions aren’t ideal - falling air pressure, cold weather, rain etcetera. It’s also a great lure for catching LOTS of fish due to the small size.

While most lures imitate baitfish like minnows or small roach, this one looks more like a small sculpin, eelpout or goby, which are both common food for perch and other predators in many waters - both in lakes, rivers and in the archipelago. If you don’t have any lures imitating sculpin, eelpout or goby, it’s a good idea to get yourself some and try - sometimes it’s like dynamite!

We mostly fish the Monkey Fry on a dropshot rig but it can also be fished on a small jig head or Texas/Carolina Rig bouncing on the bottom. Try to make longer pauses every now and then, often the perch pick them up from the bottom!

Monkey Rib, 9 cm, 6 gr. Comes in 10-pack.

The Monkey Rib is another new softbait in the M-WAR ”Standard Series”. We simply wanted something with a bigger profile and more movement that would be easier for the fish to find - ideal for muddy waters, dark conditions or simply when the fish are really active.

The wide profile, ribbed body and big, yet slim paddle, gives this jig an aggressive swimming action that makes this a perfect compliment to the Monkey Shad which has a much more subtle profile and swimming action.

Rig it on a regular jig head (size 4/0 or 5/0 is perfect) or on a Texas/Carolina Rig.

Monkey Shad, 9 cm, 6 gr. Comes in 12-pack.

Monkey Shad is a new 9 cm jig mainly designed for perch fishing, but it works wonders for zander, pike and most other predatory species as well. The size makes it a great allround option for all types of waters and conditions and you will catch both many and big fish using this little piece of fish candy.

The paddle is smaller than on most other perch softbaits which gives it a much more subtle action ideal for situations when the fishing is a bit slower, in cold water or in waters with heavy fishing pressure. The slim profile in the back of the jig makes it easy for the fish to inhale the whole jig, resulting in a great hook-up ratio.

Fish it on a regular jig head (size 4/0 is perfect) or on a Texas/Carolina Rig.27
