Bundle - Top 5 most popular colors

  • Flatnose Dragon - Motorpike (Preis: €12,22)
  • Pig Shad - Black Okoboji Perch (Preis: €9,58)
  • Nettel Laken - Hot Pike (Preis: €16,61)
  • Hooligan Roach - Original Gangster (Preis: €16,61)
  • Pig Shad Jr - Night Crawler OS - 2 pack (Preis: €10,46)


Our most requested lures and colors!

Dieser Kauf bringt dir 1 190 Fishcoins
Was ist das?

We put together a bundle with our most bought colors and lures, which makes this bundle to be a great christmas gift (it just can't go wrong, great allround colors). 

Includes; 1 Flatnose Dragon - Motorpike, 1 Pig Shad - Black Okoboji Perch, 1 Nettel Laken - Hot Pike, 1 Hooligan Roach - Original Gangster, 1 Pig Shad Jr - Night Crawler OS - 2 pack.

kürzlich abgeschaut/ kürzliche angeschaute Produkte


Ob am klassischen Jigkopf im offenen Wasser, getwitcht rund um Krautfelder mit einem Texas...
