McRubber Bass - Search and Annoy - 10 pack



A small version of the McRubber perfect for perch or bass fishing.

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Was ist das?

McRubber Bass is a tiny version of the McRubber. It was created to fit both the American bass fishing styles and also the very likley perch fishing styles here in Scandinavia.

The first bass ever caught on a McRubber Bass was actully caught by Johan Ruhe together with it's creator Claes Claesson while filming an episode of Svartzonker TV in Minnesota. Claes and Evelina Henriksen also later proved it's worthiness in "Svartzonker TV - Perch Fishing with McRubber Bass". 

After that, Flams & Trams took it to the test. Johan and Jojje performed well and they caught many really big perch while trying out the new colors. The biggest perch so far on McRubber Bass was a huge 1709 gr fish caught by Jojje Wester in the Proper Perch color.

The McRubber Bass also works fine on a Texas or Carolina Rig. Click here to see video on how to rig and use the Texas Rig and Carolina Rig!

The McRubber Bass is 8 cm long and comes in 10 pack.
