BFT Lizzard X 7'3'' H 10-35g, 2 pcs "Adam Orre" baitcasting


2699 kr(3395 kr)

Signature edition by Adam Orre

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What is this?

The new Lizzard X Perch series is a high-end series of rods designed by hardcore anglers for the diehard angler. Designed in Sweden to match any perch fishing occasion. Whether it is to drag a big mud-lizzard out from structure on a soft bait or ripping a crankbait thru midwater in search for lunkers, the Lizzard X series will match your technique in the chase for that trophy perch.

With a super light and strong High modulus low resin anti torsion blank and the X-wrap compression carbon taping the Lizzard X packs a lot of power. Set with a compressed carbon fiber Micro sensing seat and an exposed blank seat the motion of the lure is set into the angler’s hand. The Microwave & Microlite titanium line control guides allow you to cast further and with an ease control your target impact. The unique Japanese shrink rubber grips will make the hours on the water a more comfortable experience. We are confident that the Lizzard X will serve you any day on the lake.

7'3'' Heavy 15-40gr, 2-pcs rod.

Rod length 7' (213 - 243cm)
Casting weight (up to) 40gr

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